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11 Ways To Identify Your Purpose!

by Pastor Travis Hall

You are the solution to a problem! Becoming that solution is your purpose. The bible confirms without question that you and I were created with a very specific purpose in mind:

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

There are 3 phases of purpose: (1) Purpose Discovery, (2) Purpose Development, and (3) Destiny. Often times Phase 1 (discovering your purpose) feels the most intimidating so below I’ve put together 11 questions that will help you identify your God given purpose.

What's My Purpose?

1. What in life bothers you the most?

Don’t dismiss your frustrations. More often than not, the reason something bothers you is because your purpose in life is to become the solution to that problem.

2. What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Fear of failure is often the #1 reason we choose not to pursue our true purpose. To pursue your purpose you must be willing to challenge fear. Sometimes you just have to make up your mind to “Do it afraid!”

3. What would you do with your life if you knew that your family would support your dream unconditionally.

The lack of family support is another major reason that so many people choose “not” to pursue our own unique purpose. But here’s the deal; in order to go where others wish they could go you have to be willing to do what others aren’t willing to do.  

4. What would you do with your life if you knew that money wasn’t an issue?

One of the worst mistakes people make is choosing to pursue a paycheck rather than pursue their purpose. That’s backwards. If you pursue your purpose the paycheck will eventually pursue you. NEVER allow what you “don’t have” now prevent you from becoming who you will be later.

[shareable cite=”@PastorTHall”]Stop pursuing a paycheck. Instead, pursue your purpose and eventually the paycheck will pursue you.[/shareable]

5. What in life are you naturally passionate about?

What do you spend your time thinking about, talking about, reading about, watching, or listening to? Your passion is a clue that will help lead you to your purpose.

6. What comes easy for you that doesn’t come as easy for your friends or family?

We often take for granted the things that we already do really well. We assume that it comes easy for others also, but that’s not always true. Not everybody can work with computers, people, money, or business the way you can. Not everyone can draw or take photographs like you can. Not everybody can organize their their life as easily as you.  What do you make “look easy?” Don’t take what you already do well for granted, it’s another clue that will help lead you to your purpose.

7. If you had 10 extra hours per week that you could spend on anything you wanted to, how would you spend those extra hours?

We often say “I don’t have time to pursue my purpose,” but the truth is, we make time for things that matter to us the most. Your answer to this question may help uncover what you’re truly passionate about and you may need to restructure your days in order to make time to develop your purpose.

8. What are you willing to sacrifice for?

This is a big one. Sometimes in order to hone in on your purpose the question you need to ask yourself isn’t “what am I trying to get,”  but rather, “What am I willing to give up to get what I want?” Discovering and developing your purpose will require seasons of sacrifice. You’ll have to say no to “good” things in order to say “yes” to a great thing!

9. Who are the people that you’re naturally drawn to and want to emulate?

Often times the reason you’re drawn to certain mentors, business leaders, teachers, coaches, or pastors, is because they’re already doing now what you WILL be doing later.

10. How have the struggles that you and your family endured impacted your life?

Purpose is often born out of adversity. What we’ve been through might help us discover what we’re called to. Don’t avoid thinking about where you’ve come from; that might just be where you discover what on earth you’re here for; which takes us to our last question…

11. What would I do with my life if I knew that I wouldn’t have to face the pain of dealing with my past?

Sometimes the most intimidating obstacle standing between us and our purpose is our fear of having to deal with the pain of our past. We want to pursue our purpose, but we don’t want to have to dig through the baggage of yesterday to do it. If that’s you than listen to me very closely: As long as your fear of the process is greater than your frustration with your progress, you’ll never get past the present.  

[shareable cite=”@PastorTHall”]As long as your fear of the process is greater than your frustration with your progress, you’ll never get past the present.[/shareable]

To download the “Purpose Discovery Guide” that goes with this post, just enter your first name and email address at the very top of this page and you’ll receive a link to download it for free

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Travis Hall Ministires

Equipping leaders to Start well, Stay well, and Finish well. 

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