Twice per month, Zoom training with Pastor Travis. (These calls include training and Q&A time) Each session is focused on one of the three predictors of longevity and fulfillment (a leader core):
Emotional Health
Learn to identify old, internal wounds that unknowingly hold you back and eliminate the underlying fears that keep you from building a life that feels as good as it looks.
Relational Intelligence
Learn how to identify the subconscious relational patterns that keep you from experiencing the full potential of life-giving relationships in friendship, marriage, and beyond.
Spiritual Development
Learn Biblically how God relates to you and how He desires for you to relate to Him. An inaccurate image of God in your heart will stifle growth in every other part of your life. Seeing God for who He really is releases you to see you for who you really are.
An inviatation to a LICD exclusive Marco Polo Channel for direct access to Pastor Travis for real-time Q&A + Discussion
LICD Coaching Sessions
Pastor Travis will post weekly reflection questions based on sessions.
Marriage & Relationships
Organic mentoring moments about life, leadership, Theology, and vision.
Curated teaching videos and podcast links will be provided along with a LICD Certificates of completion.