“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
– Isaiah 55:9 (NASB)
Your life cannot go where you mind has not already been. We’ll never possess “winning actions” until we learn how to think “winning thoughts.”
In Isaiah 55:9 God reveals a direct connection between His own thoughts and actions. The two are eternally intertwined with one another. Since according to scripture humanity has been created in the image of God, that means that just like our Creator, the way we “think” is directly connected to the way we act.
That means that we’ll never have “higher ways” until we start thinking “higher thoughts.” Franklin D. Rosevelt said it this way “Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their minds.”
[shareable cite=”Franklin D Rosevelt”]Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their minds.[/shareable]
Since the way we think determines the way we live and lead it only makes sense to invest in ourselves by learning how to think “higher thoughts.” Below I’ve outlined 3 Ways to Cultivate “Higher Thoughts.”
3 Ways To #Cultivate Higher Thoughts:
- STIMULATE – Your Mind. Everything you read, watch, or listen to should challenge you to “think” higher thoughts. For me this includes reading my bible, prayer, and reading books written by successful people who are already thinking “higher thoughts” and as a result are producing higher actions. For example: If you want a better marriage, start reading books on marriage. If you want to be better with money start listening to podcasts and reading blogs about managing your money. You’ll never think higher thoughts without exposing yourself to the way successful people think. The Bible calls this “renewing your mind” (Romans 12:2).
- ARTICULATE. One of the most effective ways to choke out negative thinking is by speaking positive words. Time and again in the bible we see Jesus literally answering peoples (low) private thoughts with public words! This is perhaps the most effective way to kill low thinking and cultivate higher thoughts. When you start thinking low, insecure thoughts like “I’ll never be a good leader.” Tell yourself, “I was created to be a great leader, it’s already inside of me!” Or if you start thinking, “I’ll never be good with people” tell yourself “ I am becoming an amazing people person every single day!” The wise King Solomon said, “The tongue can being life or death, those who love to talk with reap the consequences” (Proverbs 18:21). There’s great power in your own words so use them to cultivate a winning mindset.
- ELIMINATE the stuff in your life that encourages low thinking. And yes, this may include some toxic relationships. Don’t allow yourself to become a prisoner to other peoples low thinking. Surrounding yourself with negative “low thinking” will naturally produce negative thoughts in your own life. The wrong kind of music, articles, books, and yes, even low thinking friends can sabotage your ability to think higher thoughts. Choose carefully who and what you allow to feed your mind and remember, if you’re the sharpest knife in the drawer it might be time to find a new drawer!
George Benard Shaw once said, ” Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
So, what kinds of things do you do in order to cultivate a winning mindset?