Today I want to highlight the difference between a Vision statement, Mission statement, and Core Values. These three are constantly confused with one another. I’ve seen mission statements called vision statements and vision statements called mission statements.
When it comes to moving your life, ministry, or organization forward, these three elements are non-negotiable, but if you’ve never had anyone explain the difference between the three, the whole thing can seem little bit intimidating so more often than not, a lot of people don’t even bother. In this post I want to clear up the confusion.
(At the end of this post I’ve included a few helpful resources that might help you cultivate your own Vision, Mission, and Core Values.)
A vision statement is simply a snap shot of where you believe you’re called and created to go.
It’s a picture of the destination or the ultimate finish line if you will. It gives you something to aim your life and leadership at. Your vision statement must be short and sweet; ideally one sentence. If it’s too long, both you and those following you will never remember it making it almost impossible to take ownership of that vision.
Your mission statement explains how you’re going to arrive at your destination (the vision). Think of it this way:
Your Mission describes how you’re going to fulfill your vision and arrive at your ultimate destination. Like your vision statement, your Mission Statement must be concise and it must truly reflect whats in your heart. Fancy words won’t get the job done – it must reflect what you believe God’s called you to and created you for.
Your core values make up the DNA of your decision making process.
They help shape the culture of whatever it is you’re building (a family, ministry, or business). You may not currently have any core values written down, but guess what? You do have core values, their just unspoken. They may not all be healthy or productive, but right now you’re living and leading from a set of beliefs that govern your decision making process. The key is identifying the values that are going to truly reflect what matters most to you and are going to help you become who God’s calling you to become. They become your guiding principles; a sort of filter if you will for making decisions.
Tip: Don’t have too many Core Values. Too many is like having none at all. In the past I’ve developed as many as twelve core values, but in my humble opinion, 12 may be a little too much. I recommend keeping it under 10 if at all possible.
To offer you a real life example of what Vision, Mission, and Core Values look like, I’ve included the ones we’ve prayerfully developed and adopted at Life Church International. I hope this helps bring some clarity.
To be a global ministry making a local impact through life giving ministry campuses.
Life Church International exists to reach people who are far from God and make life giving disciples of those that we reach.
Visoneering – by Andy Stanley
Values-Driven Leadership – by Aubrey Malphurs
Making Vision Stick – by Andy Stanley
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Equipping leaders to Start well, Stay well, and Finish well.